How to Check Your Internet Connection Speeds
Have you experienced the case where you purchased broadband internet connection? The internet service providers promised fast internet broadband speeds but your connection is not faster than a average dial-up. Internet speed is determined by various factors. Some are determined by your computer system hardware and software performance. If you have a old computer system, no matter how fast your internet connection is the computer cannot handle high data rates so it defaults to slow data rates. It is time you get a new system that can handle high data rates with high processing power and memory. Sometimes your computer systems software might limit the connection speed. Computer systems with spyware, viruses, malware, and bad programs tend to eat up the computer memory and processing resources to slow down the connection speed. Spyware are also known to consume bandwidth too. If this is the case we recommend you run spyware, run virus to clean the system, and uninstall unwanted and ba...