Forgotten Laws of Success Revealed to you Finally

The Forgotten Laws of Success have been hidden from main stream education for ages. Whether this has been deliberate or a coincidence is of little importance or significance, the fact of the matter is they are hereby revealed to you. In my studies of the laws of success it has come to my understanding that mankind has always been searching for the hidden secrets even principles and practices of those wise men who lived before them in order to separate themselves from the status quot, to develop the qualities of the man or woman of success, to become a leader taking their rightful place in society.

It is man's prerogative to grow, to learn, to stretch himself beyond the limits of physical, mental, spiritual and psycological boundaries, and the only way to do that is to come into an awareness of the factors that transform us into what we desire to be.

Here are the forgotten laws revealed to you;

The law of Thinking, many of the so called bad things that happen to us would not be so if we only thought about what we do and even say on a regular basis. Our thoughts are the seedlings of every act and spoken word and much more effort should be placed on this simple yet profound activity.

The law of Supply, if we truly studied this law and understood it we would understand that there is no lack of anything. The universe is capable of supplying all our needs and desires on every level, hence as we grow, our needs are being met.

The law of Attraction, there are two words that are of utmost importance with this law and those two words are desire and expectation. law firms in nigeria You must desire something and with that burning desire you must also have great expectation, that you will achieve your heart's desire, they go hand-in-hand and this is an absolute truth.

The law of Receiving, this one stumps most people but it is so simple and profound. It is based on God's Law of Love and if you don't understand love you will never understand God, herein lies the secret to the law of receiving. If you want to receive, you must become a giver, become a channel where gifts flow through you to enrich the lives of others and as you do that, your life in return is enriched. This is clearly stated in Luke 6: 38 "Give, and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. "

The law of Increase, this law might make you want to raise your eyebrow, but it is also very simple. In essence it is saying, "when the praises go up, the blessing come down. " Learn to praise and give thanks for what you have with an attitude of gratitude. Stop complaining and whining, you have many things to be grateful for, identify them and be known as a "praiser, " your substance will be increased.

The law of Compensation, our penal institutions all over the world are filled to capacity because men and women wrongfully think they can outwit this law. Do not be fooled for an instance, if you operate in a manner contrary to any of these laws, you will lose. As a matter of fact, you do not "break" any law, you confirm it. If you should jump from a fifty storey building, you do not break the law of gravity, you confirm it, 'what goes up must come down". This law simply states that you "reap what you sow". Whether in thought or deeds and there is no getting around it, the law is absolute, all of God's laws are absolute.

The law of Non-Resistance, have you ever noticed how water just seem to flow off the back of a duck? its the way their feathers are designed. We need to develop this kind of "feather" in our character. When you do that, other peoples negative statements and mindset do not affect you. You will in time become impervious to even negative thoughts because you have fortified yourself with right thinking and a positive, right attitude.

The law of Forgiveness is one of the most difficult laws, yet if we wish to be forgiven by others, we must in tern forgive those who have spitefully used us and done all manner of evil against us. This law requires great humility, patience and practice. We release ourselves from the emotional baggage, burden and bondage of hatred, un-forgiveness and vengeance, when we learn to forgive those who have done us wrong.

The law of Sacrifice speaks to the "price one must pay for change". Many wondering souls have stopped short of their dreams and life's goal because they were not prepared to pay the required price for changing their situation or status. This law speaks to ones discipline in sticking to a task until it is achieved. You must never be found wavering or double-minded in your efforts, or else you will never win the prize. Learn to apply this law to you life and nothing will be impossible for you.

The law of Obedience speaks to ones obedience to the laws of nature, the laws of God, to live a successful and meaningful life. Understanding these laws and remaining obedient to these universal principles is what separates a life lived successfully and a life lived filled with regret, remorse and disappointment.

The law of Success, is a law I sometimes call the I can law. This law speaks to your attitude. In other words, if you think you can you are right, if you think you can't you are also right. This was one of the mantras of the great Henry Ford. Believe you are a winner and you will become a winner, but if you think you will lose you most certainly have already lost.


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