Why You Need a Home Water Filtration System

When considering a home water filtration system, one of the first questions you may ask yourself is, "Do I really need a water filtration system? " The answer is a simple and emphatic, yes! You see, the processes used by your local water treatment facility are simply not sufficient to protect the health of your family.

According to recent news reports and government studies, tap water coming from a public water filtration system contains numerous contaminants that can threaten our health. Lead is one of the primary concerns, especially for your children.

The EPA has determined that within many cities around the country, residents should not drink the water, primarily because of the presence of lead. There is no safe level of exposure to lead. It tends to accumulate in ones body and can cause birth defects, brain damage, learning disabilities and a host of other health problems. A quality home water filtration system will remove lead. Note, I said, "quality" home water filtration system! Shop carefully, to assure the system you decide to purchase does, in fact remove lead.

Two of the cities sited as having specific problems with dangerous levels of lead content in their water are Washington DC and Baltimore. Bombas Autocebantes Mexico The source of the problem is in the distribution of the water - or the lead pipes used to transport the water. In these cases it simply doesn't matter how well the public water filtration system works because the clean water must travel through lead pipes before reaching your home.

Most public water treatment plants sanitize the water by adding chlorine to it. Chlorine does a great job on neutralizing a lot of contaminants, but it doesn't do a thing to lead or numerous chemicals readily found in our water. What is needed is a water filtration system that utilizes activated carbon and specialized micron filters to remove a multitude of contaminants, rendering the water safe for drinking and for any other use around a home.

Most people consider contaminated drinking water to be the biggest concern, and resolve that issue by purchasing a water filtration system that they attach to their kitchen water supply. A study by the FDA found the majority of homes in the United States have a detectable level of chloroform gas in the air, which is caused by showering in unfiltered tap water. Because newer homes are more tightly constructed and energy efficient, there is less airflow. This lack of fresh air, essentially traps chlorine gas in the house, just like heat is trapped in the winter and air conditioning is trapped in the in the summer.

Chlorine vapors trigger asthma and allergy attacks. When chlorine vapors transform into chloroform gas, the symptoms of exposure include unexplained headaches and dizziness. A solution for this is a water filtration system for the shower, which will filter out chlorine, preventing the build up of chloroform gas your home.

No one knows for sure all the health problems that could be prevented by installing a quality in-home water filtration system. With over 2000 different chemicals found floating around in our tap water and only, but a lowly couple being tested for, that pure, clear water coming from your tap may be clear, but it's likely not all that pure and could very realistically be causing you and your family either immediate or long term health issues.

The water filtration system used by your local utility company will probably protect you from cholera and dysentery, but it will definitely not protect you from the dangers of lead, from cancer causing chemicals and from other health problems associated with chlorine. It's up to you to protect your own health and that of your family.


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