5 Simple Daily Actions To Rapidly Grow Your Online Business

As I listened to a powerful audio session with Empower Network, my ears were attentively glued to my earphones with anticipation as I listened to every piece of this simple strategy applied to this daily puzzle by a well-known internet marketing guru and, and now you're going to get access to all of the juicy details.

Warning: These steps may seem too easy, but don't let this simple process fool you. If applied daily, you will see results extremely fast!

1) Promote everyday. You're probably saying to yourself, "big deal, Melinda! " But trust me, this is where the power of this process begins to grow your online business. Most of our days consist of activities that make us think that we have accomplished so much, but in reality we haven't done a darn thing when it comes to promoting our business.

Whether you're promoting with paid or free advertising, pick at least three of your best IPAs (income producing activities) and consistently promote with them every day. This doesn't mean read your how-to books and listening to the "audio of the day" on how to increase your opt-in conversions. My three IPAs are blogging, video creation and then promoting those activities through social media and paid advertising.

2) Decide what your two most effective hours of the day are. These two hours will change your financial life! Why? Because there are no distractions and your mind's creativity is at its best!

Commit to working your Income Producing Activities only within these two hours. Do it as fast as you can as if you're being chased by a wild pack of wolves. grow an email list increase local SEO Aaron Jarrels Broken Moon Media Focus intently on completing this task within these hours as if there would be a check for two million dollars waiting for you as soon as you're done!

3) Prepare an Income Producing Activities List and a Necessary List. Every night before you go to bed prepare an IPA list and a Necessary list.

Let's dig deeper. Your IPAs might be creating a blog post, video and article each day and then syndicating them. Your Necessary list contains activities that need to be done, like schedule appointments for the kids, listen to motivational audios, listen to last night's training, create another marketing funnel within your autoresponder list. The necessary list is still important but you don't want to mingle the two or you'll find yourself doing things that can wait.

Listen, do not skip this step. I used to say, "I'll just make my lists when I get up. " No! Knowing what you're going to do before you wake up increases your anxiety to get started and get it done.

4) Use a stopwatch within those two effective hours. I can't even explain to you how this has significantly changed my business! Ever feel like time just goes so fast and you never have time to complete the activities that are most important while you're trying to grow your online business? Are you a serial Facebooker or email checker? How about a social media junkie? You would be surprised how much time we actually spend doing these Non-Income Producing Activities.

Now here is what you do:

Pull out your smart phone.

Set your stopwatch for an hour.

As soon as the timer starts begin your IPAs immediately!

Once your hour has completed, set your timer for 10 minutes. Use this ten minutes to relax in some way. Now set your clock for another hour and rock it out again. Work on your IPAs only, like your life depended on it! Take massive action in this time frame.

5) Identify the busy technical stuff that you usually do throughout the day and stay away from them until all IPAs are complete. You know, like fixing your blog, learning HTML, basically things that are good skills to have but keep you from making money.

Create another slot in your day to do them after you have completed your IPAs. Commit to only doing these activities until your IPAs are done.

To grow your online business, daily application is the key! If you apply these simple but effective actions to your business everyday, your sales and leads will explode. Why? Because now you have laser focus to complete income producing activities that are going to grow your online business. Good luck and start writing out that list.


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