Dental Implants As Alternative to Dentures

As we age, our teeth get weaker and if not well-cared for, most are pulled out. If you have multiple missing teeth, don't get dentures, but rather opt getting dental implants as an alternative.

Today, implants are frequently used as treatment for missing teeth. Instead of resting on the gum line like dentures, using adjacent teeth as anchors like a dental bridge does, dental implants are teeth replacement embedded in the jawbone and can last forever if taken care of. Before we get ahead of ourselves, let us first define both treatment.

Dental implant is a titanium device used to support a number of dental prostheses like bridges, crows, or used to anchor orthodontic tooth movement. dental veneers cost It typically has some form of internal screw post that allows a variety of components to be fitted. 

On the other hand, dentures, or commonly referred to as false teeth, are removable prosthetic devices supported by surrounding soft and hard tissue of the oral cavity and closely resembles the teeth and natural gum tissue. 

Dentures can be made from different materials such as acrylic plastic, porcelain or metal. There are also two types of denture, the complete denture which will replace all of the teeth, and the partial dentures which only fill in the spaces made by the extracted tooth thus preventing other teeth from shifting.

Instead of getting dentures, implants are used as a treatment for missing teeth today. No matter what the reasons are why you lost your teeth, dental implants are more than capable of bringing back your smile, functioning and feeling exactly like your old natural teeth. 

Not only are they proven to be stronger than dentures but can also be viewed as a lifetime, permanent solution to missing teeth problem. That is because unlike dentures, implants are fixed and embedded replacement to real teeth as opposed to dentures being removable at will. Aside from being permanent, implants are more comfortable than the traditional dentures. 

Dental implants can also be used to support permanently cemented bridges, eradicating the need for dentures. Multiple missing teeth can be treated with dental implants. The placement of implant-retained teeth can prevent jawbone shrinkage as well as a prematurely aged appearance which can happen when using dentures.

Dental implants have more benefits as opposed to dentures such as improved speech, reduced gum irritation, natural appearance, balance in the mouth so there's no fear of bite being corrupted, and reduced likelihood in infection. 

People need to realize how easy and natural implants can be while the traditional denture can be awkward, inconvenient and can sometimes be embarrassing. If faced with the possibility of tooth extraction, talk to your dentist about dental implants. Though the cost of dental implants can be a tad higher than dentures, every single penny will be worth the look and feel of having your real teeth again.


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